陶哲明.回到传统的归途:西班牙建筑遗产保护与托雷西亚斯在历史环境干预中的诠释性话语[J].建筑师,2024,(2):52-61. |
回到传统的归途:西班牙建筑遗产保护与托雷西亚斯在历史环境干预中的诠释性话语 |
A Return Trip to Traditions: Architectural Heritage Conservation in Spain and the Hermeneutical Discourse in Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas’Intervention in Historical Environment |
DOI:10.12285/jzs.20230105001 |
中文关键词: 安东尼奥·希门尼斯·托雷西亚斯、诠释学、遗产干预、传统和当代、风土建筑、直接体验、参考 |
英文关键词: Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas,
Heritage intervention,
Tradition & contemporary,
Vernacular architecture,
Direct experience,
Reference |
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中文摘要: |
建筑师扎根一地的具体实践具有启发意义。本文梳理了西班牙建筑师安东尼奥·希门尼斯·托雷西亚斯实践中与介入历史空间和建成环境相关的话语及其土壤。他的实践受到了西班牙建筑和遗产干预历史中螺旋发展形成的多个传统的影响。他观察、反思和诠释风土建筑:通过比较格拉纳达本土和相似环境中的风土建筑,发展出对传统—当代—未来的关系和价值的认知框架,阐明了一种建筑实践方式:将建筑看作一种可被感知的社会交流系统,由共同参考和基于直接体验的个人参考相互滋养形成。同时,他以敏感的方式来调和遗产干预中遇到的价值冲突,让传统和遗存的价值在景观中获得适合的表达。他的观察、思考和实践之间的关系也是他对其勾画的实践方式的诠释。 |
英文摘要: |
The practice of a local-rooted architect is instructive for others around the world. Literature and case studies sort out initially the discourse and its ground in the practice of Spanish architect Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas in relation to intervention in historical spaces and built environments. Torrecillas’ practice is influenced by multiple traditions that have been developed in the spiral of the history of Spanish architectural and heritage intervention practices. He observed vernacular architecture,and made reflections and interpretations:through a comparison of vernacular architecture in Granada and in the environment of similarities,clarified his understanding of the values and relationships between tradition,the contemporary and the future,articulating an approach to architectural practice that sees architecture as a communication system built on the mutual nourishment of widely perceivable collective references and individual references based on non-transferable experiences. At the same time,he reconciles the conflicting values encountered in heritage interventions in a sensitive way that allowing the values of tradition and physical remains to find a suitable articulation in the landscape. The relationship between his observational reflections and his practice is also an interpretation of the way he sketches an ideal practice. |
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