A Despondent Bird Singing on A Solitary Paulownia Tree: Alexander Soper and The Evolution of Buddhist Architecture in Japan
投稿时间:2024-12-17  修订日期:2024-12-22
中文关键词: 宋柏、《日本佛教建筑之演进》、空间史、跨文化建筑传播史、建筑史学史
英文关键词: Alexander Coburn Soper  The Evolution of Buddhist Architecture in Japan  history of architectural space  cross-cultural history of architecture transmission  architectural historiography
徐翥* 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 518000
王辰 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 
摘要点击次数: 133
全文下载次数: 10
      美国艺术史家宋柏(Alexander Coburn Soper III)1942年发表的《日本佛教建筑之演进》,是他于二战前夕深入日本、中国北方和朝鲜半岛实地考察的研究结晶。尽管这部专著在吸收中日学者研究成果的基础上,于建筑空间演变、跨文化建筑传播、图像呈现策略等诸多方面取得了创新型突破,并且宋柏本人在实物文献互证的研究法上做出了深度探索,但这些重要贡献却鲜有学者关注。本文通过汇集史料,梳理宋柏的教育背景和东亚建筑研究历程,厘清其学术思想的来源脉络,揭示其工作在建筑史学科上的独特意义,以期为中国建筑史学史增添一个因时代机遇、学术环境、个人天赋而相互成就的特殊个案。
      The Evolution of Buddhist Architecture in Japan, a monograph by American art historian Alexander Coburn Soper III, published in 1942, stems from his extensive pre-war field research in Japan, north China, and Korea. This work, built upon a comprehensive understanding of the Chinese and Japanese scholarship at the time, made significant contributions to the study of East Asia""s pre-modern architectural history. Notably, it explores the evolution of spatial composition and cross-cultural transmission of tradition, and strategically represents these theses in analytical drawings. Soper""s methodological innovation, which significantly broadens the investigative scope of textual, visual, and physical sources, further emphasizes the scholarly value of this monograph. However, these substantial contributions have received scant attention. This article aims to elucidate the academic thought in Soper""s writing of architectural history by tracing his educational background and research trajectory in East Asian architecture. By doing so, it seeks to highlight the uniqueness and significance of his work in the field of architectural history, providing an exceptional case study of the interplay between opportunity, ideology, and personal talent in the historiography of Chinese architecture.
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