Ming and Qing Narrative Painting and the Architectural Space of Jiangnan Gardens
投稿时间:2025-01-09  修订日期:2025-01-09
中文关键词: 明清叙事性绘画、江南园林、建筑空间、《金瓶梅》、《清宫珍宝皕美图》
英文关键词: Ming and Qing dynasties,Jiangnan gardens,Architectural space Jinpingmei(The Plum in the Golden Vase),Qinggong Zhenbao Bimei Tu(Two Hundred Beauties Pictures,[Formerly] Treasured in the Qing Palace)
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      本文以跨学科视角探讨明清叙事性绘画对江南园林建筑空间发展的可能影响。作者认为,这些影响至少 有三。第一,这类绘画是叙事场景的想象性建构,具有超乎现实建筑使用和建造逻辑的丰富性、灵活性和复杂 性,故可被视为建筑空间设计的想象图。第二,这类绘画可以引发读者对于浪漫生活环境的憧憬,故可充当社 会受众有关建筑空间新趣味的引导者,进而在作为浪漫生活环境的园林建筑中付诸实现。第三,与庭院或庭园 布局相似,这类以插图和册页为主要形式的绘画也需要在极为有限的画幅中呈现丰富多变的构图。如同平面设 计,它们积累的构图定式就有可能为园林建筑的布局提供参考。 总之,从明末到清代中期江南园林设计出现了 一个从寄情山水到浪漫家居的变化。这期间叙事性绘画引发的建筑空间趣味和追求或为历史原因之一。
      This paper takes an interdisciplinary perspective to explore the possible infl uences of Ming and Qing narrative painting on the development of architectural space in gardens of the Jiangnan region. The author calls attention to three infl uences. First,such paintings are imaginative constructions of narrative scenes with richness, fl exibility and complexity beyond the logic of real architectural use and construction. They can therefore be regarded as imaginative diagrams of architectural space design. Secondly,these paintings can trigger the audience’s longing for a romantic living environment. They act as a guide for viewers’ interest in architectural space and has it realized in the garden architecture as such an idealized environment. Third,similar to the mapping of courtyards or gardens,these paintings,which are mainly in the form of book illustrations and album leaves,also need to present rich and varied compositions in a very limited size. As in the case of graphic design,their established compositional schemes could potentially provide a reference for the layout of garden architecture. In short,from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the mid-Qing,the design of Jiangnan garden underwent a change from natural-oriented to romantic-life-oriented. Contemporary narrative painting with its keen interest in architectural space may have contributed to this change.
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