从学派转型到精神领路:解读巴西建筑师阿方索·爱德华多·雷迪 |
From Scholastic Transformation to Spiritual Leadership: Interpreting the Brazilian Architect Affonso Eduardo Reidy |
投稿时间:2023-11-13 修订日期:2024-03-05 |
DOI:10.12285/jzs.20231113001 |
中文关键词: 阿方索·爱德华多·雷迪 里约学派 圣保罗学派 巴西现代建筑 发展中国家 |
英文关键词: Affonso Eduardo Reidy Carioca School Paulista School Brazilian Modern Architecture Developing countries |
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中文摘要: |
里约学派与圣保罗学派先后书写了20 世纪巴西现代建筑发展历程中浓墨重彩的篇章。建筑师阿方索·爱德华多·雷迪(1909-1964)作为学派转型中的关键人物,不仅与里约学派一同将国际思潮融入本土地域,构建了巴西独特的现代建筑形式;更在形式主义陷阱前清醒理智,引领随后的圣保罗学派回归空间精神内涵。通过梳理巴西两大建筑学派呈现的集体性现代演进之路,分析雷迪在学派转型中的作用与影响,探知巴西现代建筑学科体系中内在连续性与关联性,以此映射巴西这个西半球最大发展中国家的现代主义建筑文化与精神路径。 |
英文摘要: |
The Carioca School and the Paulista School wrote the most colorful chapters in the development of Brazilian modern architecture in the 20th century. As a key figure in the transformation of the schools, architect Affonso Eduardo Reidy (1909-1964) not only integrated the international trend into the local region with the Carioca School, constructing a unique Brazilian modern architectural form, but also became sober and rational before falling into the trap of formalism, leading the subsequent Paulista School to return to the spiritual connotation of space. Through analyzing the collective modern evolution of the two schools of architecture in Brazil, and analyzing Reidy's role and influence in the transformation of the schools, explore the continuity and relevance inherent in the Brazilian modern architectural disciplinary system, so as to map the modernist architectural culture and spiritual path of Brazil, the largest developing country in the Western Hemisphere. |
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