童乔慧 唐莉 吴歆瑀 杨飞.中国近代实验室之华中水工试验所建筑设计 方案研究[J].建筑师,2020,(1):61-68.
中国近代实验室之华中水工试验所建筑设计 方案研究
Researches on the Architectural Design of General China HydraulicLaboratory
中文关键词: 武汉大学、水工试验所、建筑选址、设计团队、民族形式
英文关键词: Wuhan University, Hydraulic laboratory, Site selection, Kales’s team, National architectural forms
童乔慧 唐莉 吴歆瑀 杨飞  
摘要点击次数: 1513
全文下载次数: 1218
      根据国内外档案馆藏图文档案和现场调研测绘厘定出民国时期武汉大学附设华中水工试验所的设立缘由、 建筑选址、设计团队及建筑设计方案的演变过程、设计原则等。旨在全球多元视域下解读华中水工试验所建筑特 色,凸显出近代实验科研类建筑类型在我国民族建筑形式复兴时期的探索,丰富中国近代建筑的研究内容。
      In this paper, the reasons for the establishment of the General China Hydraulic Laboratory attached to Wuhan University during the Republic of China, the location of the building, the evolution process of the design team and the architectural design scheme are defined through on-the-spot investigation and analysis of drawings and documents in archives in China and other countries. This paper also explores the architectural features of General China Hydraulic Laboratory based on a multi-perspective, highlighting the exploration of modern laboratory in the revival period of Chinese national architectural forms, and enriching the research content of Chinese modern architecture.
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