李华.现代性—— 一个建筑知识史的视野[J].建筑师,2020,(1):103-109.
现代性—— 一个建筑知识史的视野
Modernity: A Perspective to the History of Architectural Knowledge
中文关键词: 知识构成、中国近代建筑、多元现代性、技术观念、机械化
英文关键词: Discursive formation, Early modern Chinese architecture, Multiple modernity, Ideas of Technology, Mechanization
摘要点击次数: 1595
全文下载次数: 1104
      如果说所有的历史都是当代史,那么中国近代建筑史研究面临的问题是,其当代的意义何在?又如何当代?从 知识生产的角度说,现代性是建筑学产生的条件和基础,而建筑学是建立在此之上的一种现代形式的知识和实践,在中国,近代时期是这种现代的知识形式产生的源头,和当代中国建筑由来的基础。本文从现代性的自觉与自省、中国建筑中的现代性问题和作为方法的知识构成等几个角度,展开对这一领域的研究问题,尤其是技术与建筑之间关系的一些思考,并希望借此厘清以现代性反思为基础的知识史视野中的一些理论问题,探讨这一视野在检省当代问题及建筑发展过程的方式与意义。
      If all histories are contemporary, the critical questions to the research of early modern Chinese architecture are what is its significance to contemporary and how it could be. In so far as modernity is the condition and basis for formulation of architectural knowledge, and architecture is a modern form of knowledge and practice upon them, the early modern time in China is when this form of knowledge originated and contemporary Chinese architecture derives from. This paper attempts to address some issues in this research field, particularly referring to the relations between technology and architecture,from three aspects: consciousness and reflection of modernity, questions raised by modernity in Chinese architecture and formation of knowledge as an approach to them. With doing so, this paper hopes to clarify some theoretical questions in the viewpoint of knowledge formation based on reflection of modernity, and to explore its ways and value in to examining the problems in contemporary as well as the historical course.
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