杨震 于丹阳.从“昙花一现的未来模式”到“现代主义的 更新范例”:伦敦巴比肯重建回顾及对城市更 新的启示[J].建筑师,2020,(3):18-27.
从“昙花一现的未来模式”到“现代主义的 更新范例”:伦敦巴比肯重建回顾及对城市更 新的启示
From a Model for a Short-lived Future to an Exemplar of ModernistRegeneration: Reviewing the Barbican Redevelopment andImplications to Urban Regeneration
中文关键词: 英国战后重建、巴比肯、城市更新、城市设计、社区
英文关键词: British Post-war Reconstruction, Barbican, Urban regeneration, Urban design, Community
杨震 于丹阳  
摘要点击次数: 1287
全文下载次数: 997
      二战后的城市重建开启了英国现代城市更新进程。位于伦敦中心区的巴比肯项目具备鲜明的现代主义特征 及社会住房色彩,但在开发属性、住区功能、空间形态、社会后果等方面具备更加独特的特征,在伦敦的战后重 建项目中独树一帜。本文分析了促成该项目的社会、政治、经济因素,评述了该项目的设计与建造、文化与运营、 居住与管理,进而从正、反两面对该项目进行了批判式的总体评价。在此基础上,本文总结了“城市更新平衡机制、 中心区土地功能、总体式城市设计、住区围合与尺度、美学争议与设计价值、社区营造与生活共同体”六方面的 启示,以此为中国城市更新提供借鉴。
      The post-war reconstruction of British cities started the process of contemporary urban regeneration in the UK. The Barbican in central London is a redevelopment project with modernist features and related to social housing policies. It is particularly unique, compared with other London post-war redevelopments, due to its redevelopment nature, neighborhood use, physical form and social consequences. The paper introduces the social, political and economic factors facilitating the Barbican redevelopment, and reviews its design and construction, culture and operation, and residence and management.The paper critically reveals Barbican’s pros and cons, and then concludes Barbican’s implications to China’s urban regeneration at six aspects including the balancing mechanism of urban regeneration, land use in city centers, total urban design, neighborhood enclosure and scale, aesthetic debate and value of design, and community involvement and common living.
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