黄庄巍 谢英俊.人民的建筑师 ——谢英俊访谈[J].建筑师,2020,(3):118-125.
人民的建筑师 ——谢英俊访谈
The Architect of the Civilian:Interview to Hsieh Ying-Chun
中文关键词: 谢英俊、台湾现代建筑、客家建筑、协力造屋、地域主义、平民建筑
英文关键词: Hsieh Ying-Chun, Modern architecture in Taiwan, Hakka architecture, Cooperative building, Regionalism, Civilian architecture
黄庄巍 谢英俊  
摘要点击次数: 894
全文下载次数: 849
      谢英俊是中国台湾地区当代知名建筑师,其1970年代末期开始至今的建筑活动形成了“新客家”和“协力 造屋”两条主要脉络。2019年11月,笔者与谢英俊在厦门进行了深度访谈。在访谈中,谢英俊展示了新乡土主 义建筑实践及其相应的理论思考与生成路径,它们以地域化现代建构美学为技术支撑,与包豪斯运动所承载的现 代性、批判性有着直接联系,与1970年代以来台湾地区乡土文学运动、新乡土主义建筑风潮等社会思潮关联紧密, 具有公共性、开放性、革命性和平民化的深层内在意涵。
      Hsieh Ying-Chun is a well-known architect in Taiwan of China. His architectural activities since the late 1970s have formed two main lines:“new Hakka architecture” and “cooperative building”. In November 2019, the author had an in-depth interview with Hsieh Ying-Chun in Xiamen. In the interview, Hsieh Ying-Chun showed the practice of new vernacular architecture and the corresponding theoretical thinking and generation path. They take the regional modern construction aesthetics as the technical support, have a direct connection with the modernity and criticality carried by Bauhaus, and have a direct connection with the “Local Literature Movement” and “new vernacular” in Taiwan since the 1970s, which has the deep meaning of publicity, openness, revolutionary and populism.
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