The Adaptive Re-use of Churches in Europe: A Critical Evaluation of a
中文关键词: 适应性再利用、宗教遗产、教堂建筑、濒危遗产
英文关键词: Adaptive reuse, Religious heritage, Church architecture, Heritage at risk
摘要点击次数: 796
全文下载次数: 626
      欧洲璀璨的建筑遗产,尤其是基督教和天主教教堂建筑,正处在功能逐渐退化甚至彻底消失的危险境地中。 其主要原因在于西方基督教社会面临的社会变迁连带冲击了大众宗教知识、教会参与度以及圣召的数量。如今, 很多西方国家面临着一个共同的问题,即如何应对众多逐渐遭到弃用的教堂和修道院,以及如何解决随之而来的 关于这些建筑的使用、维护、财务、所有权分配和遗产保护的问题。本文是对濒危遗产的批判性评价。那些已经 失去其原有用途的教堂建筑,未来将何去何从?谁来决定这些建筑该以何种方式,或被退役,或再利用,又或被 拆除?是否还有其他的使用模式?遗产保护会对教堂的再利用产生什么影响?半个世纪以来,我们在与冗余的教 会建筑和适应性再利用的经验中学到了什么?笔者对教堂建筑的各种不尽相同的适应性再利用方式、不断变化的 建筑遗产价值以及可能会在未来发挥作用并能引发中国读者思考的全新决策模式等问题作出回顾性思考。
      In Europe, a growing part of the remarkable heritage of Christian and Catholic churches is at risk because it is no more used or under-used. The main reason is the evolution of Western societies that, amongst others, impacts religious knowledge, church attendance, and religious vocations. Today, all the Western regions are confronted with the issue of redundant churches and monasteries, which has had consequences on the use, maintenance, financing, ownership, and heritage of these buildings. This article is a critical evaluation of a heritage at risk. What should, could, and can happen to churches that have lost their original use? Who decides whether a church should be decommissioned, reused or demolished, and how? Are there alternative forms of use? What are the consequences of heritage protection on the reuse of a church? What can we learn from half a century of experience with redundant churches and adaptive reuse? The author reflects on different forms of adaptive reuse of church buildings, as well as changing heritage values, and new models of decision making that could be useful for the future and could inspire a Chinese audience too.
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