张昕楠 李文爽 孙德龙.拼凑作为一种关联——Advvt事务所的适应性再利用实践启示[J].建筑师,2020,(5):55-62.
Bricolage as means of Relation: Learning from Advvt’s Adaptive Reuse
中文关键词: 适应性再利用、Advvt、拼凑、关联
英文关键词: Adaptive reuse, Advvt, Bricolage, Relation
张昕楠 李文爽 孙德龙  
摘要点击次数: 1262
全文下载次数: 697
      在当代,既存建筑的适应性再利用已被视为建筑创作的机遇。而近年来对可持续性的强调,使得大量历史价 值不高的一般建筑成为再利用的对象,在这一方面经济性和生态性成为要重点考虑的层面。对于建筑师而言,如何 平衡多方面的复杂因素成为一种挑战。Advvt事务所的再利用实践体现了“拼凑匠”式的思考方式,对复杂现实的 精心回应而非美学品质成首要考虑的因素。本文重点从态度、策略和工具层面对Advvt典型的实践项目进行分析, 阐述其如何通过“拼凑”实现对项目复杂现实要素的关联:在态度层面,体现为对平庸和意外的接纳;在策略层面 体现为通过极少干预和容错的结构创造各专业合作的参与式框架;在工具层面主要体现为通过绘画深描现实并与现 实建立紧密联系。而最终结果呈现在美学上的片段性并没有削弱在逻辑上的关联性,且具备经济、功能、环境层面 的多重意义。这对当今建筑师在同类项目中如何关联专业与非专业,设计与建造等多重现实要素有一定的启示。
      Building adaptive reuse of has been seen as an opportunity for architectural design. In recent years, a large number of ordinary buildings with no significant historical value haven become the object of adaptive reuse due to the consideration of sustainability, of which economic and ecological aspects have become the key factors. For architects, It proves to be a challenge to balance different stakeholders and complicated factors. Advvt’s practice on adaptive reuse embodies a “bricolage” way of thinking and making, of which the pursuit of aesthetic qualities should serve to solve practical problems. Based on the analysis of Advvt’s projects, how to relate complicated realistic factors in the projects of adaptive reuse through bricolage is revealed on attitude, strategy and tools aspects. On strategy level, a participatory framework of cooperation is created through minimal intervention and structure with error tolerance, The fragmented impression does not weaken the logical whole to deal with adaptive reuse on economic functional and environmental level. Above all, the thinking and making method of bricoleur could help to reconsider architect’s ability to relate between design and construction, professionalism and non-professionalism.
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