Projecting Change: Visualization in Mitigating the Clash of Heritage
中文关键词: 建筑遗产、海平面上升、气候变化行动、可视化技术、适应性举措
英文关键词: Built heritage, Sea level rise, Climate change action, Visualization, Adaptation
摘要点击次数: 520
全文下载次数: 423
      遗产保护和气候变化正在从对立的角度共同作用于当今的建成环境。保护使得过去的状态在未来得以维持, 而气候变化带来的影响则相反。当前者试图延迟可能出现的进程时,后者则会在不知不觉中造成不可逆转的改变。 二者在价值观的冲突中必然会发生交汇。本文探讨了沿海遗产保护与海平面上升之间的冲突;在对于建筑遗产自 身以及对遗产保护概念的既有认知的基础上,就沿海建筑遗产所面临的困境,论证了对这些建筑物可能会采取的 具有先锋性的适应性措施以及再利用方式。本文着重讨论了被海平面上升所威胁的遗产更新的既有保护政策的必 要性,以及可视化技术在这一进程中所发挥的作用,以促使沿海遗产社区提前对此类政策做好准备。
      Historic preservation and climate change act upon our built environment from opposing directions. Preservation sustains a past state of being in the future while climate change renders a past state of being unsustainable in the future. As one attempts to delay change the other causes potentially irreversible change. They will necessarily converge in a clash of values. This paper examines the conflict between the preservation of coastal heritage and sea level rise. In considering the plight of coastal built heritage, it argues for the adaptation and reuse of such structures in ways unthinkable within the present understanding of heritage preservation. This paper focuses on the need for the development of policy on heritage threatened by sea level rise and the use of visualization as a means of preparing heritage coastal communities for such policy.
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