蒋楠 沈旸.中国“20 世纪遗产”保护再利用中的“前策划”与“后评估”:以建筑师介入的视角[J].建筑师,2020,(5):71-76.
中国“20 世纪遗产”保护再利用中的“前策划”与“后评估”:以建筑师介入的视角
Architectural Programming and Post-Occupancy Evaluation in
中文关键词: 20世纪遗产、保护再利用、前策划、后评估、建筑师
英文关键词: 20th Century Heritage, Preservation and reuse, Architectural programming, Post-Occupancy evaluation, Architect
蒋楠 沈旸  
摘要点击次数: 946
全文下载次数: 935
      基于遗产保护事业的发展与遗产再利用的现实需求,我国越来越多的建筑师正在介入 20世纪遗产的保护 再利用工作。以之为视角,本文对其中的“前策划”与“后评估”技术路径作如下探讨:根据建筑设计流程及其 决策思维提出遗产再利用项目策划的流程指引,借助使用后评估工具推进再利用设计优化及其评价反馈,并将其 紧密衔接建筑遗产价值实现的全过程,以期进一步完善遗产保护利用理念与技术的操作方法与决策系统,探索构 建适应中国当下现实的 20世纪遗产保护利用闭环流程及其整体机制。
      Based on the development of heritage protection and the real needs of reuse, more and more architects are involved in the preservation and reuse of 20th Century Heritage. From this perspective, the paper discusses the technical paths of Architectural Programming and Post-Occupancy Evaluation in preservation and reuse of 20th Century Heritage in China, including the process guidance of heritage reuse project programming according to architectural design process and decision thinking, and Post-Occupancy Evaluation methods as a tool for design optimization and evaluation feedback. These technical paths will tightly link the whole process of the realization of architectural heritage value. They will also improve the operation methods and decision-making system of the concept and technology of heritage preservation and reuse, and explore the construction of closed-loop process and overall mechanism of 20th Century Heritage protection in China.
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