李怡 戴路.海外“取经”与引进求索——改革开放初期留学建筑师对学科发展的贡献[J].建筑师,2021,(2):100-108.
Learning from Overseas and Inquiring the Improvement of the Chinese Modern Architecture: The Contribution Made by the Architects Studied Overseas in the Early Stage of Reform and Opening Up
中文关键词: 改革开放初期、海外留学、建筑师、贡献
英文关键词: Early Stage of Reform and Opening Up, Study Abroad, Architects, Contribution
李怡 戴路  
摘要点击次数: 704
全文下载次数: 703
      改革开放后,中国与其他国家出现了前所未有的广泛交流。一部分由单位选派的中国建筑师精英有机会走出国 门到发达国家学习,曾经的成长经历使他们具有批判思考的意识和强烈的爱国建设使命。归国后他们将前沿的学科 发展成果引进国内,极大地推动着我国建筑现代化发展进程。本文对改革开放初期首批留学建筑师群体进行研究, 回顾时代所提供的机遇背景,总结该群体特点,通过探索其在体系、创作、理论、市场、教学等方面的个人成就,回顾 该群体对我国建筑学科发展所作出的具体贡献。
      After the Reform and Opening Up, China has had unprecedented extensive exchanges with other countries. Some elite Chinese architects selected by the government had the opportunities to go abroad to study in developed countries, they had the consciousness of critical thinking and the strong patriotic mission because of their growing experience. After returning home, they introduced the advanced discipline of development achievements into China, which greatly promoted the development process of China’s architectural modernization. This paper studies the first group of Chinese architects studied abroad in the early stage of Reform and Opening Up, reviews the background and the opportunity provided at the time, summarizes the characteristics of the group, and reviews the detailed contribution made by this group on China’s architectural development by exploring the specific contributions made by each individual on system, creation, theory, market, teaching and so on.
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