朱姝妍 马辰龙 向科.面向方案阶段能耗主导的建筑性能快速优化方法[J].建筑师,2021,(6):69-76. |
面向方案阶段能耗主导的建筑性能快速优化方法 |
A Rapid Optimization Approach to Energy Consumption-led Building Performance for Early Design Phase |
DOI:10.12285/jzs.20210610002 |
中文关键词: 建筑方案设计、参数化、机器学习、建筑能耗、建筑性能优化 |
英文关键词: Architectural design, Parametric design, Machine learning, Building energy consumption, Building performance optimization |
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中文摘要: |
依托机器学习和参数化技术建立了面向建筑方案设计阶段能耗主导的建筑性能快速优化方法,从而实现方案设计阶段以能耗为代表的建筑性能的直观呈现。本文通过实际案例证实了将建筑能耗快速计算技术与交互式性能优化框架相结合,可以让建筑师在进行方案推进与决策过程中直观而快速地获取以建筑能耗为代表的各项性能指标的反馈,从中选择最佳的设计方案,提升建筑师进行性能优化设计的能力。 |
英文摘要: |
A rapid optimization method is presented for building performance based on energy consumption in the early design phase based on machine learning and parametric design. Design cases show that combining the rapid calculation method of building energy consumption with the interactive performance optimization platform allows architects to obtain feedback of building performance visually and quickly. The fast performance optimization method proposed in this paper will greatly improve the potential of architects to obtain better comprehensive performance design. |
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