邱嘉玥 李翔宁.从实验到生产:从《建筑教育学报》看美国设计课程内的研究(1940 年代—2000 年代)[J].建筑师,2022,(3):79-88.
从实验到生产:从《建筑教育学报》看美国设计课程内的研究(1940 年代—2000 年代)
From Experiment to Production:Tracing the Research in American Design Studios from the Journal ofArchitectural Education(1940s - 2000s)
中文关键词: 设计课程、设计研究、建筑研究、知识生产、《建筑教育学报》、美国建筑教育
英文关键词: Design studio,Design research,Architectural research,Knowledge production,Journal of Architectural Education,American architectural education
邱嘉玥 李翔宁  
摘要点击次数: 443
全文下载次数: 435
      本文将美国的《建筑教育学报》1940 年代以来对“研究”的关注置于设计研究的视角进行考察。通过分析设计 与研究关系的演变及其因应,文章从三个阶段追溯美国建筑设计课程(design studio)a是如何转变为研究型设计课 程的;并从生产方式出发辨析与设计相关的研究路径。文章认为,设计研究与建筑研究来自不同立足点,即设计学科 与建筑学科,对研究不同立场的倡导。其次,在设计课程逐渐转化为设计研究的生产场所过程中,通过“教学/ 实践即 研究”对研究的倡导,设计课程回应了学科研究与社会责任。继而文章提出,被忽视的设计与研究的互动,为学科和 社会间的过渡提供了重新思考的恰当起点。
      Taking its cue from the Journal of Architectural Education’ s focus on research,this article is organized from the perspective of design research. By analyzing the evolution between design and research,the article explores how American design studios developed into research studios,and investigates design-related research approaches in terms of the mindset of knowledge production. It reveals that design research and architectural research advocates research from different perspectives,namely,the design and architectural disciplines. And when design studios evolved into a productive site for research,they respond to architectural research and social responsibility by promoting research through the ‘teaching/practice as research’ approach. Based on the above, the paper suggests to understand neglected interaction between design and research as an informative starting point for rethinking the discipline-society transition.
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