赖德霖.士之能者 :刘敦桢与中国建筑史研究的现代起步(上)[J].建筑师,2022,(5):4-18.
士之能者 :刘敦桢与中国建筑史研究的现代起步(上)
LIU Dunzhen and the Modern Start of Chinese Architectural HistoryStudy(Part I)
中文关键词: 刘敦桢,中国营造学社,朱启钤,梁思成,伊东忠太,关野贞,滨田耕作,田边泰
英文关键词: LIU Dunzhen,Society for Research in Chinese Architecture(SRCA),ZHU Qiqian,LIANG Ssu-ch’eng, ITO Chuta,SEKINO Tadashi,HAMADA Kousaku,TANABE Yasushi
摘要点击次数: 742
全文下载次数: 500
      与梁思成一样,刘敦桢是中国建筑史研究的重要奠基人。但相比于梁思成,目前有关他的研究远欠深入。 这不仅导致他工作的意义被低估,也使得中国营造学社的学术理路难以得到全面认识。本文试回答四个问题: 刘敦桢的中国建筑史研究起步于何时?他如何与营造学社结缘?他的研究与他所处的时代有何关联?更重要 的是,他对中国营造学社研究范式的形成,乃至对中国建筑研究发展的特殊贡献究竟何在?在此基础上,作者 论证,刘敦桢在加入中国营造学社之前就已经是一位学识渊博、方法自觉且见地精深的学者。他与梁思成有着 相似的学术关怀,分享着若干一致的治学理路,但同时也有着独特的研究视角。他与梁思成在营造学社创始者 们的基础上将中学、西学和东洋学相结合,共同开辟了中国建筑研究的现代之路。
      Like LIANG Ssu-ch’eng,LIU Dunzhen was a key founder of the twentieth-century study of Chinese architecture. But compared to LIANG,current studies on LIU have underestimated LIU’s contributions. As a result, our understanding about the scholarship of the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture(SRCA),in which LIU was a core member,remains incomplete. This paper answers four questions:When did LIU start his study of Chinese architecture? How did he come across with the SRCA? How was his work influenced by his time? And most important,what was the uniqueness of his contributions to the study of Chinese architecture? The author argues that LIU had already been a knowledgeable,insightful,methodologically mature scholar before he joined the SRCA. Although LIU and LIANG shared similar concerns in research and took similar approaches in their work,he contributed to the SRCA with his special perspective. He and LIANG worked together with other members of the SRCA to lay the foundation of Chinese architectural study by combining methodologies of Western sinology and Japanese Toyogaku with Chinese academic traditions.
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