庄慎 华霞虹.改变是一种常识: 一个中国建筑事务所的日常状态[J].建筑师,2022,(6):16-26.
改变是一种常识: 一个中国建筑事务所的日常状态
Change is a Common Sense:An Everyday Report from a Chinese Architectural Studio
中文关键词: 阿科米星、中国建筑事务所发展、工作面、设计研究、改变、实践、认知、方法
英文关键词: Atelier Archmixing, The evolution of chinese architectural design studio, Working surface, Design research, Change, Practice, Cognition, Methodology
庄慎 华霞虹  
摘要点击次数: 438
全文下载次数: 445
      本文以阿科米星建筑设计事务所的工作行为为例,尝试探讨快速城市化语境下,中国当代建筑师在本土环境中 发展实践和探索建筑学认知及方法的可能性。主要从设计实践和理论研究两个维度,介绍了阿科米星日常工作的整 体状态,包含与现实和市场相关的寻找工作面的方式与过程,与认知、反思、反馈等相关的设计研究的发展与积累、 团队内部结构的演变,以及上述各方面的内在关联。通过剖解阿科米星工作团队十余年的实践历程与思考经历,倡导 中国实践建筑师与研究领域合作开展与本土现实紧密结合,具有系统性、原创性和开拓性的设计研究。
      Through introducing Atelier Archmixing’s work and action, the paper argues how Chinese contemporary architects can develop their practice and find new architectural cognition and methodology in the local context of rapid urbanization. The everyday report of Atelier Archmixing follows two perspectives: the design practice and the theoretical reflection, from searching more working faces to meet the demands from market, to developing new cognitions, reflecting and responding through design research, and the evolution of the organizational structure, as well as the relationship between all these aspects. Through analyzing decades of practice and thinking from Atelier Archmixing, the authors provoke that architects collaborate with academic field to develop systematic, original and innovative design research rooted in the local reality.
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