黄庄巍 刘静 邹广天.现代中国建筑之“形”的求索与开拓 ─我国台湾地区“新派”建筑的形式与功能(1950—1965年)[J].建筑师,2023,(5):81-89.
现代中国建筑之“形”的求索与开拓 ─我国台湾地区“新派”建筑的形式与功能(1950—1965年)
Search and Development of“Shape”of Modern Chinese Architecture: The Form and Function of“New Camp”Modern Chinese Architecture in Taiwan Province from 1950 to 1965
中文关键词: 中国建筑理论、结构理性主义、功能主义、文人建筑、台湾建筑、金长铭、贝聿铭、王大闳、陈其宽、 贺陈词
英文关键词: Chinese Architecture Theory,Modern Chinese cultural thoughts,Structural rationalism,Functionalism,Literati architecture,Architecture in Taiwan province,King Chang-ming,Ieoh Ming Pei,Wang Ta-hung,Chen Chi-Kwan,He chen-Chi
黄庄巍 刘静 邹广天  
摘要点击次数: 407
全文下载次数: 275
      From the early 1950s to the middle and early 1960s,under the direct influence of the branch of Chinese modern architecture development and the world modern architecture trend,the “new camp” group of architects composed of mainland architects and their students in Taiwan province carried out systematic theoretical con- struction of modern Chinese architecture in Taiwan province and formed a theoretical school. Based on the “double dimension” perspective of the spread of the world’s modern architectural movement and the continuation of the modern Chinese cultural trend,this study will elaborate that the “new school” architects,through the integration of structural rationality,functionalism and the aesthetic value of the literati’s life,seek and explore the “form function” category of modern Chinese architecture,and present a diversified picture of the development of modern Chinese architectural theory from 1950 to 1960,with a view to improving the relevant research on the history of modern Chinese architecture,It complements the narrative of the post-war Chinese architectural theorists in the process of the world modern architectural movement.
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