何星宇 王凯.重新揭示建筑意义的潜在维度:《分裂的再现时
代中的建筑》与达利伯 · 韦瑟利的建筑现象学
——阐释学思想[J].建筑师,2024,(1):117-124. |
代中的建筑》与达利伯 · 韦瑟利的建筑现象学
——阐释学思想 |
Rediscovering the Latent Dimensions of Meaning of Architecture:Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation and Dalibor Vesely’sArchitectural Phenomenology - Hermeneutics a Thinking |
DOI:10.12285/jzs.20221021001 |
中文关键词: 达利伯 · 韦瑟利、建筑现象学、阐释学、建筑再现、现代性危机 |
英文关键词: Dalibor Vesely,Architectural phenomenology,Hermeneutics,Architectural representation,Crisis of
modernity |
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摘要点击次数: 593 |
全文下载次数: 313 |
中文摘要: |
本文以达利伯 · 韦瑟利唯一的专著《分裂的再现时代中的建筑》为线索,评述他的建筑现象学—阐释学思想的内容、背景和瑕瑜。他从建筑再现和其在现代性之下面临的意义交流的危机出发,用现象学和阐释学哲学视角揭示了建筑再现交流所依赖的潜在维度和它的历史转变,并提出基于“碎片”和“诗学”的出路。他对建筑危机的讨论是 1970 年代英国反思现代主义浪潮的一部分和延续。对危机的关切使他的思想比其他的建筑现象学更广博深厚,为体验问题提供了公共和历史基础。韦瑟利对建筑意义潜在维度的重新发掘展现了“再现”的危机在认识论和历史叙事上的两种层次,既是了解欧洲建筑文化精神内核的捷径,也为建筑实践提供了更加公共的价值取向。 |
英文摘要: |
Using Dalibor Vesely’s only monograph as a clue,this paper introduces and comments on his thinking
about architectural phenomenology and hermeneutics. He starts from architectural representation and its crisis of communication in the shadow of modernity,uses the lens of phenomenology and hermeneutics philosophy to re-
veal the latent dimension on which the communication of architecture relies and its historical transformation,and proposes “fragment” and “poetics” as ways out. His engagement with architectural crisis belonged to and continued the trend of reflecting on modernism in 1970s UK,which makes his discourse more profound than other architectural phenomenology,providing a common and historic basis for the question of experience. Vesely’s thinking reveals the epistemological and historical levels about the crisis of representation,offering both a shortcut to the spiritual core of European architectural culture and an insight to a more public-oriented architectural practice. |
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