From Courtyard to Patio: An Environmental Control-Based Renovation Experiment of Traditional Residences in Suzhou Changmen District
投稿时间:2024-08-07  修订日期:2024-11-25
中文关键词: 苏州阊门街区、传统民居更新、天井、环境调控、多目标遗传算法
英文关键词: Suzhou Changmen District,Renovation of Traditional Residences,Patio,Environmental Control,Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm
刘浩然 东南大学建筑学院 210096
王建国* 东南大学建筑学院 210096
摘要点击次数: 76
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      The distance between the local optimal parameters and the overall renewal design represents a significant challenge for residential environmental control researches towards practical applications. Following the completion of requisite research into the environmental control mechanism and morphological characteristics of traditional residential buildings in Changmen district of Suzhou, this study puts forth a form optimization strategy focused on the incorporation of multiple patios. Additionally, it presents a renewal design process that integrates quantitative optimization experiments with qualitative analysis and design. In the optimization experiment, a multi-objective genetic algorithm is employed to enhance the three physical properties of lighting, shading and ventilation, and to ascertain the potential optimal patio location. In the analysis and design phase, the most appropriate patio location is identified in accordance with the specific renewal requirements, and the layout is established. The regeneration experiments conducted in the case residence serve to verify the effectiveness of the form strategy and design process.
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