几何秩序的空间衍生:弗朗切斯科·波洛米尼的巴洛克建筑设计遗产 |
Spatial Derivation of Geometric Order: Francesco Borromini's Baroque Architectural Design Legacy |
投稿时间:2024-11-06 修订日期:2024-11-27 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 弗朗切斯科·波洛米尼 巴洛克建筑 几何秩序 现代应用 |
英文关键词: Francesco Borromini Baroque Architecture Geometric order Modern Application |
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摘要点击次数: 195 |
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中文摘要: |
弗朗切斯科·博罗米尼在17世纪通过几何秩序与空间塑形理念的创新,构建以几何为控制基础、具有层级特征的建筑系统,为巴洛克建筑注入独特的表现形式。本文基于其独立创作时期的代表性作品,从立面曲线、平面几何秩序、结构逻辑与装饰系统等维度,探讨其几何秩序构建应对于城市环境、宗教象征等角度的创作意图。通过分析其设计中几何控制与空间层级的融合关系,揭示博罗米尼设计方法的延续价值及其对后世建筑设计的影响。 |
英文摘要: |
Francesco Borromini established a hierarchical architectural system grounded in geometric order and spatial shaping principles,thus contributing to Baroque architecture with a unique expression during the 17th century. This paper examines Borromini’s biography and key works from his independent career as an architect, systematically analyzing his innovative use of geometry in areas such as fa?ade curves, planar geometric order, structural logic, and decorative systems. It reveals the interplay between urban context, religious symbolism, and geometric order in his work. Through a detailed interpretation of the integration between geometric control and spatial hierarchy in his designs, this study further elucidates the enduring value of Borromini’s methods and highlights the profound influence of his architectural philosophy on subsequent architectural design. |
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